
Meet other passionate WordPress community members, build connections and friendships that will last years while helping make 2016’s WordCamp Seattle happen.
Become a Volunteer or Learn More

Why Volunteer?

The WordPress community is driven by volunteers, and 2016’s WordCamp Seattle is no different. Your volunteer involvement has a positive impact on the success of WordCamp. We want to engage your passion, knowledge and commitment in the most meaningful way possible. Volunteers will receive free admission to the event, a volunteer t-shirt, and the satisfaction of participating in another successful WordCamp. You need to be able to volunteer for at least 6 hours in the 2 day event.

Have we motivated you to volunteer yet? If not, tell us how you would like to share your time and experience, and we are happy to discuss opportunities to incorporate your skills in making this Seattle WordCamp 2016 event even more successful.

Sign Up to Volunteer

By signing up to volunteer you are offering your time and effort to help make WordCamp a great event. There is no guarantee we can give you a certain volunteer task or duty; however, we’ll do our best to match you with the task or duty that best fits your skills, schedule and interests. We look forward to having you as a part of the volunteer team!

Are you available Saturday October 29th & 30th, 2016?(required)