The videos from the Experienced Edition camp back in March are now available on
There are a few that we weren’t able to capture due to technical difficulties, but we hope you’ll enjoy the rest of them.
Developer PowerPack: Theme Customizer, SASS, and Composer with WordPress
John James Jacoby: Keynote – Welcome To WordPress
Morten Rand-Hendriksen: Building Themes From Scratch Using Underscores (_S)
Mark Root-Wiley: Coding Accessible WordPress Websites
Amanda Blum: Long Term Relationships - Creating Sustainability In WordPress Client Handoff
Bob Dunn: Teach. Your Clients Well…
Eric Amundson: An Introvert's Guide to Marketing Your WordPress Business
Taylor McCaslin: Multisite Network Do's and Don'ts - Experience from an Enterprise Solution
Panel Discussion: WordPress at Scale - Enterprise, Media, and Education