A Solution to Limited Search

Written by Vasken Hauri, Vice President, Platforms & Systems at ElasticPress.io, one of our sponsors.

WordCamps are a great way to see the strength of the WordPress community up close. At WordCamp Seattle, you can connect with hundreds of WordPress developers, designers, and publishers. ElasticPress.io is proud to support the WordPress community as a sponsor of another WordCamp Seattle. There’s an indelible link between an open, collaborative internet, the strength of the tools and platforms that drive experiences on the web, and the community that builds it all. WordCamps provide an integral opportunity to grow and educate that community, which is why 10up—the company behind ElasticPress—has been sponsoring WordCamps since our founding back in 2011.

ElasticPress.io is 10up’s solution to the limited search features and other query bottlenecks endemic to WordPress core, especially when used at scale.


You see, out of the box, WordPress uses MySQL to organize and store content—a popular database making WordPress accessible to developers, and making it possible for small sites to access cheap hosting. However, databases like MySQL aren’t optimized for freeform search and more complicated filtering and faceting. So much so that, by default, WordPress search only looks at post titles and content, omitting valuable data that might be stored in places like custom fields. Multifaceted queries—say, looking for (1) women’s (2) t-shirts in size (3) medium that are (4) in stock and (5) less than $30 are slow and taxing on hosts, and, with so many combinations, cannot easily be circumvented with conventional techniques like caching. This limits the options for large-scale databases or sites running in a shared hosting environment.

Some plugins work around some of these challenges in inspired ways, but most are restricted to mitigating unavoidable MySQL limits. The more your content grows—whether you’re a newsroom with thousands of stories or a store with hundreds of SKUs—and the more ways to filter that content, the more unavoidable the problem becomes. Plugins, like SearchWP and Relevanssi, do a good job of addressing the weaknesses inherent in default WordPress search, but we believe these best serve sites with smaller databases, or perhaps up to a few thousand posts. Larger sites will require a different solution.


This challenge, plaguing a rapidly scaling internet, spawned a new generation of “noSQL” content storage and search solutions—one of the most popular being Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is an open-source, third-party service that can filter between different types of content, categories, tags, authors, date ranges, etc. It must be run on hosting accounts through a dedicated hosting environment. Further, it requires extensive configuration. With no structure inherent to itself, the setup of Elasticsearch requires the input of all data components, field types, languages, or any other custom elements your schema requires. This makes it a great option for sites supported by experienced development teams.

Seeing the need for a full-featured search solution for large-scale sites, and determined to help them keep pace and not “outgrow” WordPress, 10up created and open sourced ElasticPress, a plugin that acts as “smart glue” between Elasticsearch and your WordPress data.

The plugin requires Elasticsearch to be properly installed and configured, so ElasticPress.io, the complete, end-to-end search and query engine for WordPress.we felt there was still more we could do to support sites that may not have the technical staff or time to configure and maintain Elasticsearch. Technologies are also evolving rapidly—Elasticsearch is iterating and we’ve also been adding features and tuning search logic for the ElasticPress plugin. But some features require greater control of the server for adding modules and ensuring the security of all applications.

The complete, end-to-end search and query engine

So we created ElasticPress.io, the complete, end-to-end search and query engine for WordPress. Extending Elasticsearch technology, ElasticPress.io works with our ElasticPress plugin to seamlessly connect WordPress to a modern, high-performance solution enabling features like:

  • Weighted full-text search, including custom fields, tags, and other metadata;
  • Fuzzy matching with spelling suggestions;
  • Full-text search of popular documents formats like PDFs and Word documents;
  • Autocomplete recommended matches in the search bar (“autosuggest”);
  • Searching across all sites in a multisite;
  • Drag-and-drop “facet” widgets for high-speed filtering of content across multiple categories or taxonomies;
  • WooCommerce optimization, speeding up search results and product filtering so that customers can quickly and dependably find and buy the products they’re looking for.

Built to be extended.

Designed and engineered by our team at 10up, the ElasticPress plugin is built to be extended. WordPress developers can take advantage of its APIs, hooks, and other developer features to customize its default behavior and further tap into its potential for each project.

The ElasticPress plugin will always be free and open, and we plan to make every feature we can available for any Elasticsearch host, for teams who are up for tuning and managing their own hosting. For everyone else, our end-to-end ElasticPress.io solution starts at $79/month, and you can try it out for free for 14 days. Combined with our customer support, for most businesses and developers, we think this makes the benefits of ElasticPress and modern query engines accessible to a whole new part of the WordPress community.

Stop by our table and learn more about ElasticPress.io, or to chat WordPress development and open source. You can also follow along with us on Twitter, at @ElasticPressIO. We can’t wait to see you at WordCamp Seattle.


Adding Voice and Text Capabilities to WordPress

by Peter B. MacIntyre, ZCE  

DISCLAIMER: We have not tested this code.

Recently I came across RingCentral (one of our sponsors), and their way cool suite of communications products.  With RingCentral, companies are able to take their traditional phone system into the cloud (letting them have multiple numbers ring, make calls from their office phone, laptop, or cell phone, and letting them configure their phone system through an online interface).

But beyond the traditional phone system, RingCentral also provides numerous APIs and widgets via the Developer program – letting their customers make phone calls, send text messages, build out team messaging and interactions, schedule meetings, and even send faxes (if that’s still a thing) all online programmatically.

Seeing all of these capabilities made me start to wonder, what could I as a WordPress developer do with them?  And how could these features help my customers?Naturally, that meant it was time to build a WordPress plugin.  Specifically one that would let users subscribe to be notified via text message when new blogs were posted, but also that would let administrators make phone calls and send SMS messages from within the WordPress admin.

Jumping into the Code

To get started, I created a basic WordPress plugin skeleton. Create a folder under the wp-content/plugins folder structure and call it the same name as your plugin “/ringcentral” in our case. Then have a PHP file named the same as the folder within that folder: “ringcentral.php” in our case. Also, in that folder you should have a file called “uninstall.php” that will be used if the plugin is to be removed at any time. This will have any commands in it that will allow the plugin to remove itself from the WordPress environment and also tidy up after itself in the database if that is required. The overall folder structure should look like this including folders for all the supporting cast of characters (technology) that you may use over time. The “includes” folder is where you would place the majority of your plugin’s PHP code.

Within that “ringcentral.php” PHP file you should have the basic comment header that describes the plugin and any licensing that goes along with it, typically the GPL2 license is used. Here is a generic example that would be in this path    wp-content/plugins/my-own-plugin/my-own-plugin.php:


Plugin Name: My Own Plugin

Plugin URI: http://paladin-bs.com/mage/

Description: My Own Plugin Admin System

Author: Peter MacIntyre

Version: 0.25

Author URI:  http://paladin-bs.com/peter-macintyre/

Details URI: http://paladin-bs.com

License:     GPL2

License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

My Own Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or

any later version.

My Own Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.

See License URI for full details.


After this typical heading, you would start your code. Keeping in mind that usually you are creating a plugin with an admin menu component, you would add in a basic menu structure with code like this:

/* ===================== */

/* Make top level menu            */

/* ===================== */

function My_Own_Plugin(){


       ‘My_Own_Plugin Admin Management Page’,  // Page & tab title

       ‘My Own Plugin’,                        // Menu title

       ‘manage_options’,                      // Capability option

       ‘MOP_Admin’,                            // Menu slug

       ‘MOP_config_page’,                  // menu destination function call


// use a dashicon available in WordPress

                      // https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons

               // plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . ‘images/My_Own_Plugin_icon.jpg’,
                        // or add your own custom menu icon

       80 );                                // menu position level



       ‘MOP_Admin’,                               // parent slug

       ‘My_Own_Plugin System Configuration Page’, // page title

       ‘System Config’,                           // menu title – can be different than parent

       ‘manage_options’,                          // options

       ‘MOP_Admin’ );                             // menu slug to match top level (go to the same link)



       ‘MOP_Admin’,               // parent menu slug

       ‘Do Something Cool Page’,  // page title

       ‘Do Something Cool’,       // menu title

       ‘manage_options’,          // capability

       ‘DSC_upl’,                 // menu slug

       ‘DSC_html’                 // callable function


Then calling the add_action hook to run the My_Own_Plugin menu building function, and sub-menu functions.

add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘My_Own_Plugin’);  // call add action func on menu building function above

Done right this will create a new plugin entry on the inactive tab of the admin plugin section. Activate the plugin and you should see a new menu item structure that should look like this.




Adding the Virtual Phone

One of the nicer elements of RingCentral Developers is that they offer a copy and paste widget.  This meant that I could add the virtual phone to the admin with the following HTML snippet:

<script src= “https://ringcentral.github.io/ringcentral-embeddable-voice/adapter.js”></script>

However, I wanted to go a little bit further, giving the administrator the ability to not only use the API to send SMS messages, but also be able to turn different features of my plugin on or off.  

To do this, I built a basic page for the WordPress admin area and jazzed it up with a logo or two. I added a checkbox to turn on or off the embedded phone tool and kept that value in a database table I created.




A quick tangent: be sure to write your SQL code with security and stability in mind. By this I mean that you should be using SQL prepared statements as one means of defense, it will save you a lot of headaches. Also on the stability point, when creating a plugin that will change and improve over time be sure to write your SQL table alterations (in an activation subroutine) with the dbDelta WordPress function; you’ll be glad that you did.

Next I wrote a simple “admin_footer” action in the plugin that would call a function to interrogate the DB value and show or hide the phone app accordingly.

/* ============================================= */

/* Add action for the ringcentral Embedded Phone app toggle   */

/* ============================================= */

add_action(‘admin_footer’, ‘ringcentral_embed_phone’);

/* ====================================== */

/* Add custom footer action                                          */

/* This toggles the ringcentral Embedded Phone app  */

/* ======================================= */

function ringcentral_embed_phone() {

   global $wpdb;    

   $result_rc = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare(“SELECT `embedded_phone`

       FROM `ringcentral_control`

       WHERE `ringcentral_control_id` = %d”, 1)


   if ($result_rc->embedded_phone == 1) { ?>


   <?php }


The neat thing about the “admin_footer” action call is that it inserts my defined function call in every page of the admin interface thus allowing the phone app to be accessible anywhere within the WordPress admin area.

And just like that I now had my virtual phone in WordPress!








Adding in SMS Notifications

While the virtual phone let me manually send SMS messages and make phone calls from the admin, I wanted to let my readers (and my customer’s readers) get SMS notifications about new blog posts automatically.

To do this, I built a widget interface asking site visitors if they want to sign up for news feed notifications (blog announcements) when new posts are published on the website.







When a user signed up, they would then be added to the database, and receive an email notification asking them to confirm their email address, an SMS notification asking them to confirm their phone number, or both.

To send an email notification, I simply used the pre-existing wp_mail function, but to send SMS messages I would need to call the RingCentral API.

Adding in the RingCentral API

Thankfully, RingCentral provides a full PHP SDK that lets you take advantage of all their API calls, without having to understand cURL, adding attachments (for MMS or fax), or boundaries (don’t even ask).  You can get the RingCentral SDK using Composer by running the following command:

php composer.phar require ringcentral/ringcentral-php

And then including the RingCentral SDK with the vendor autoload file:


Now calling the RingCentral PHP SDK class is as simple as:

$sdk = ringcentral_sdk() ;

Sending the Text Message

Now was the time for the moment of truth.  I built a function using RingCentral’s SDK to send text messages, wrapping it in a try/catch, like so:

try {

       $apiResponse = $sdk->platform()->post(‘/account/~/extension/~/sms’,

           array(‘from’ => array(‘phoneNumber’ => ‘$config[‘ringcentral_number’]’),

               ‘to’ => array( array(‘phoneNumber’ => $mobile_contact[‘mobile’]) ),

               ‘text’ => $message ) );

   } catch (\RingCentral\SDK\Http\ApiException $e) {        

       $apiResponse = $e->apiResponse();

       $return_message = “There was an error broadcasting to the mobile list. => ” . $apiResponse;


In the case of this function, I would pass in $sdk and $config as globals, and pass the $mobile_contact and $message as parameters, letting me reuse the function for each subscriber within a loop.

And needless to say – it worked!  Well sort of… my friends in the US and Canada received the text without any problem.  But it turns out, to protect users RingCentral requires you to enable international SMS messages for the API (as domestic text messages are free, but international texts usually cost more due to carrier fees).  This means to use RingCentral SMS internationally, you’ll need to enable this on your RingCentral account (and also be very conscious of how many international messages you’re sending).

One solution I came up with was to limit the SMS subscriptions to North American numbers only, while letting everyone receive email notifications.  This was as simple as implementing a quick regex to validate the phone number and the country code.

if (!preg_match(‘/1[0-9]{9}/’) {

   echo ‘Only US Numbers are supported at this time.’;


Next Steps

With RingCentral’s platform, the sky’s the limit – as you have the ability to not only create SMS notifications, but start video meetings and build in real-time, rich messaging that can be accessed from within your app, via the RingCentral App, and on the go.

The same goes for this plugin.  While it now supports the virtual phone widget and SMS notifications, I’m excited to see what else we can add to it, and how we can take advantage of real-time communication tools inside of WordPress.

If you happen to be at either WordCamp Seattle, or RingCentral’s ConnectCentral conference in San Francisco I’d love to talk to you more about how I built the plugin, it’s current status, and what the future holds.  And, of course, if you’re looking for a WordPress developer – Paladin is open for business!

You can also get more information about this plugin, including when it is officially released at https://paladin-bs.com/contact/ (please use “RC API Plugin” as the subject).



Peter MacIntyre has over 28 years of experience in IT, primarily in PHP. Author of “Building Exceptional Sites with WordPress & Thesis” and “PHP: The Good Parts“; co-author: Programming PHP-3rd Ed & Pro PHP Programming, among others. Peter has spoken at PHP Central Europe (Warsaw, Poland); PHP[World] 2016 (Washington, DC); ZendCon 2016 (Las Vegas), NortheastPHP (Boston), CA-World (New Orleans); CA-TechniCon (Köln, Germany); and CA-Expo (Melbourne, Australia).  Peter is a past co-chair and co-founder for the Northeast PHP Developer’s Conference, and is Zend certified for both PHP 5.3 and 4.0.

WordCamp Seattle 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!