Rhonda Negard

Rhonda Negard

Rhonda is the alpha dog at Fat Dog Creatives, a full-service design studio…of one. With direct and unfettered access to your designer, you can contact her immediately when you have a need or concern–-no middle-person or gatekeeper. While she works collaboratively with marketing teams and associations throughout the US remotely, she also works with businesses local to the Tacoma/Seattle areas. She moves around the country every few years, so her next or previous (Austin, San Antonio, and Washington, DC) locale may indeed be near you!

Most of her clients are associations, insurance companies, financial services firms, construction and development companies that desire an experienced, educated professional who knows and understand their industries. She holds a BA and MA in communications and speaks on communication and design-related topics. She’s been working as a designer for more than twenty years and freelancing on the side. Three years ago, she started her full time business with Fat Dog Creatives. Her education and experience help her gain a sense of the business climate and clients’ needs. She synthesizes significant amounts of complex information into smaller, digestible messages both graphically and in writing.


WordCamp Seattle 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!