Have you heard the phrase, “crappy photography = crappy website?” The photography you use has an incredible power to make or break a project, doesn’t it? Even the most beautiful website build can be crushed by poor quality images taken on a phone. And there is also a dirty little secret that most web designers don’t know about when it comes to using stock images.
Bruce and Josh Hudson, a father and son team, have combined 47 years of experience in the professional photography world, as well as media creating and business. During their program, The Power of Photography, they’ll be sharing:
How photography plays a key role in website development.
Pulling the curtain back and revealing the dirty little secret about stock images and why you should never use them.
Learn what criteria you should be using when looking to partner with a photographer.
The power photography has to create stories and how you can use that in your designs.
And the 7 elements needed to produce images that have intent and impact.
The Hudson’s have a passion for helping their commercial clients tell the story of their business through photography and video. Their ultimate goal with every project is to work directly with developers and designers to achieve a more effective, relatable, and memorable online experience. They are ready to share their secrets and help you learn how to better utilize photography for your clients and websites! Join the Hudson this year in Seattle at Word Camp!