MailChimp & WordPress Goes Together Like Peanut Butter & Bananas

We’ll talk about the 3 things WordPress does best and the 3 things MailChimp does best. And how to bring the best of WP & MC to create synergy for your website and business. We’ll cover MailChimp forms for WordPress, free opt-in offers, and drip campaigns.

User Experience and Branding for WordPress sites

While WordPress makes it easy to build just about anything, the content you eventually place on that site will determine it’s effectiveness. This talk will explain the basics of UX website design as it relates to WordPress, with an emphasis on the impact of branded content. It will also suggest ways to easily incorporate UX design and branding into the sites you build.

In addition to these topics, I’ll also share some WordPress-compatible tools that help improve a site’s UX, overview the relationship between user experience and SEO, and provide a takeaway that designers can use to help create branded, UX-friendly content for their sites.

Making Content Part of Company Culture

The days of static website content are dead. Creating dynamic content should be a cornerstone of any good digital marketing strategy. The content you produce not only draws potential customers in, it shows leadership in your industry, not to mention the SEO benefits associated with it.

The need for content production goes deeper than having something to post on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter that week. It’s about strategizing with your entire team to make sure the content you produce supports your product or service and provides real value to your online audience.

In order to work with a team, you need a solid content process in place. Moreso, you need to create company culture that includes content creation.

In this talk, we will cover the following topics:
– The Importance of Regular New Content
– Setting up a Process
– Getting your Team Invested through Company Culture
– Re-Adjusting your Process to Fit your Team
– Reporting to your Team

Attendees can expect to learn the value of good content, how to create a company culture that includes content creation as a team, and setting up a process for content creation that fits your team’s workflow.

Translating Tech Talk Into English

In this session, we will discuss translating WordPress verbiage into English so you can communicate between client and designer/developer. Communication is key when collaborating on a project with someone else whether you are the client or the one building the solution.

Topics Included:

  • Translating features as benefits
  • Translating common WP terms into client friendly terms
  • Breaking the technical communication barrier

Stop Guessing: Diagnosing & Fixing WordPress Performance Problems

Speed matters. People are impatient. If your website or a client’s website doesn’t load quickly – within a just a couple of seconds – many visitors will abandon it completely. A slow site means lost time & revenue. But figuring out how to speed up a slow site can be HARD. Everyone’s got a suggestion and an idea for how to fix your performance issues, but most are just guesses, and not based on real data. STOP GUESSING. If you have a performance issue, or just want a faster site, you need to KNOW exactly what is slowing things down, and how to fix it. This talk will show you how.

DIY Content Strategy

WordPress agencies and freelance designers and developers can improve their client’s website projects by incorporating content-strategy best practices into their workflows. Anyone who has built more than one website has developed a good array of content strategy skills. I’ll show how to plug those skills into a proven framework for crafting an actionable, state-of-the-art website content strategy. If you’ve ever used “lorem ipsum” copy as you struggled to extract content from your client the day before launch, this talk is for you.

WordCamp Seattle 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!