Get to Know Your Flight Crew – Amber Walcker

Amber Walcker, WordCamp Seattle 2018 lead organizer

Since those behind the scenes of WordCamp mostly go unnoticed, we decided it would be a nice twist to introduce you some of this year’s crew:

Amber Walcker, Lead organizer

  • What do you do for a living? 

    Amber Walcker, WordCamp Seattle 2018 lead organizerI work at the University of Washington in the IT department. My specific unit specializes in data integrations and warehouses, web services and metadata information. My role is the Marketing and Communications Manager. I am responsible for the communications that are shared out from our unit to campus. I also am responsible for creating marketing materials for our unit’s products and services. I also provide guidance to our division on communication strategies as well as create collateral for senior leadership.

  • How do you use WordPress?

    Our unit’s website uses WordPress. I am primarily a content creator and editor. I definitely don’t get into development. However, I do have a background in web design so I understand the basics of HTML and CSS.

  • How did you end up involved in WordCamp?

    I attended a WordCamp 4 years ago with a few coworkers and I was hooked. I loved the diversity of content and speakers. The swag has always been pretty amazing! After attending  2 WordCamps, I was asked by the 2017 Lead Organizer Sheila to join the planning committee. So I did! I assisted in the Swag and Registration. After my first meeting with Sheila, we both realized that we had similar backgrounds and the potential of being the Lead Organizer for a future WordCamp was definitely a possibility. So for 2018, I completed the interview with WordCamp Headquarters and was approved to lead 2018, along with my co-leads Vanessa and Teri. I understood the importance of blending the PNW WordPress Community with the annual WordCamp Conference. I believe it’s extremely important to drive the innovation and community from the ground up! WordCamp is merely a highlight of the bigger effort taking place at the community level, and I couldn’t be more proud to celebrate all the communities at WordCamp.

  • What’s your guilty pleasure/hobby/outside of work passion?

I really enjoy spending time with my husband, gardening, and hanging out with our little fur-child, JoJo. And let’s not forget COOKING! I like to think of myself as a super resourceful cook! Somehow there might be “nothing” in the fridge or cupboards, but somehow I make a meal that will feed my husband and me for days. I also really enjoy weekend getaway trips, hiking and helping others. And a totally weird hobby – but I enjoy organizing things and cleaning.

How to get in touch with Amber:


When you see Amber at WordCamp Seattle in Nov, (you have your boarding pass, correct?) be sure to say hello and thank her for all her hard work and time volunteering to make WordCamp 2018 the best one yet.

On Behalf of the Entire Crew, Welcome Aboard

Welcome aboard - WordCamp Seattle 2018 #wcsea

We’ve working through the pre-flight checklist

First off is the theme. We chose to stay with ‘aviation’ for 2018. Seattle’s connection to flight dates back to 1908 and with Boeing’s incorporation in May of 1917, it took off.

As you can tell by the menu and page titles, as well as the language we’re using, we intend to have a little bit of fun with the theme.

wcsea 2018 logo

If you are part of the Ground Crew (our sponsors), the In-Flight entertainment (our speakers),  or simply a Passenger (thank you in advance for boarding), we’d love your help in carrying the theme throughout your marketing and time at the event.

Second, as the lead marketing wrangler I need to give a shout out to Branden for his efforts in getting this site ready for flight and to Tamara for the logo, colors, and the graphics you’ll see here, on our social profiles, and at the event. 

I’ll add a big shout out to everyone else on the flight crew. Each has already contributed in a number of ways and I am proud to be part of it.

On behalf of the entire crew, welcome aboard

We look forward to you joining us and meeting everyone along the way.  While the destination matters, it’s the friendships you make and the experiences you have during your travels which truly last a lifetime.

Robert Nissenbaum
Lead Marketing Wrangler

WordCamp Seattle 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!