REST API: get up to speed in a half-hour

Beginning way back in WordPress 4.4 and continuing with 4.6-7 WordPress has rolled out arguably its most exciting new feature in years: a core REST API. Now every WordPress has two front-ends: a web interface designed for consumption by humans (that’s what themes are for) and an API interface designed for manipulation mostly by other code and machines.

Many of us work primarily in this first realm: with themes and plugins, and may not have been closely tracking all of the details of the REST API’s rollout. Other of us (me included) have found the years-long rollout to be complicated to track and summarize.

Whatever your motivation, if you seek a gently-technical intro to the REST API in about a half-hour, this session is for you. We will cover three broad areas:

– what is the REST API, and how does it work?
– what are some possible use cases for the REST API?
– how do I extend/customize/control the REST API?

This broad, quick, overview should leave you prepared and equipped to further research and experimentation with WordPress’ fancy new feature.


WordCamp Seattle 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!