Author Archives: Ian Dunn

Recorded Sessions Have Been Posted to

We’re happy to announce that all of the session recordings have been processed and uploaded to

Make Sure You’re Ready for the Live Stream

Any time a WordCamp live-streams their event, there are always a few people who have trouble accessing it due to technical problems. These almost always end up being caused by the person’s computer rather than the live stream itself, so it’s a good idea test out your computer ahead of time, which you can do by visiting our testing page.

Keynote Speakers

We’re happy to announce that we’ve confirmed two great speakers to keynote WordCamp Seattle this year. Siobhan McKeown will be kicking things off in the morning, and Andrew Nacin will close us out at the end of the day.

Siobhan McKeown is a Word Ninja at Audrey Capital where she writes about WordPress, deals with documentation, and has nightmares about the Codex. She’s currently working on an open source book about the history of WordPress. She spends her days delving into the brains of its early developers and community members. When she’s not worrying about the finer details of forking and the GPL, she’s helping out with the project’s future by wrangling WordPress’ documentation.

Andrew Nacin is a Lead Developer of WordPress, squashing bugs, mentoring contributors, and spearheading new development — including leading the 3.5, 3.7, and 3.9 releases. He has strong feelings about the core philosophies of WordPress, among them “decisions, not options” and “designing for the majority” — software should be opinionated in lieu of burdening the user. In his first appearance at WordCamp Seattle since 2011, he’ll be sharing what the community has been working on, where we are headed, and how we’re going to get there. Bring your questions as there will be plenty of time for discussion.

Livestreaming WordCamp Seattle

Will you be out of town on June 28th? Or do you live too far away to attend in person? Or maybe you’re afraid that being in a room with 700 other WordPress nerds will be so much awesome that you’ll pee you pants?!?!

Well, have no fear! We’ll be livestreaming WordCamp Seattle again this year, so you can enjoy all of the WordPressy goodness from the comfort of your own home. And best of all, it’s free!

If you are able to make it in person, though, we’ve got lots of extra goodies in store for you:

  • Workshops! We’ve got a whole room this year dedicated to helping you get yours hands dirty in all sorts of topics, led by an experienced guide who can give you personalized assistance.
  • Networking! Any seasoned WordCamp attendee can tell you that the sessions are only half of the experience. Building relationships with other attendees and volunteers is one of the main benefits of a WordCamp.
  • Food! I think this one is pretty self-explanatory 😉
  • The after party! Enjoy some social time with your peers and colleagues.
  • Contributor Day! Get involved with the teams that are building WordPress and its community every day. And not just by writing code, either; you can contribute by writing documentation, translating WordPress into other languages, helping users to solve problems they’ve having, and a variety of other ways.
  • Swag! Bring home a little piece of WordCamp Seattle 2014.



What would you like to see at WordCamp Seattle?

As the organizing team starts getting into the nitty-gritty planning of WordCamp Seattle, we’d like to collect some feedback from the community to help guide our decisions and make sure this year’s WordCamp delivers the things that matter most to you.

If you could give us a few minutes of your time to answer this short survey we’d really appreciate it. 

And if you’d like to get more involved, sign up to volunteer!